June 24, 2022
Dear Community Life Church Family,
As you may have heard, the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, opening the door for states to significantly limit or ban abortions.
Abortion has become a very political and polarizing issue. Our church family is a safe place. You see, Jesus did not come to overtake the government or establish a new one, but rather to establish a new system, an eternal covenant. That means the Church belongs to Jesus. If we are going to follow this Messiah, then we are to fix our eyes on Jesus, not a country or a political party. However, we are brothers and sisters of diverse political opinions united in Christian unity. Yet, Community Life Church unapologetically teaches from the holy scriptures, which will inevitably challenge all people and all political persuasions.
Therefore, when the Bible speaks, we speak. And, from our church family’s perspective, abortion is not a political issue, but rather a moral and biblical one. We talk openly about the value of life. A woman’s value. A man’s value. An unborn child’s value. We choose to love them all.
We are unashamedly Pro (For)-Life as defined in scripture.
We are Pro-Physical Life
We are Pro-Spiritual Life
We are Pro-Mental Health Life
We are Pro-Emotional Life
We believe the unborn human being is a human being and, therefore, has a right to life. We express that through encouraging adoption, helping high school moms, and caring for orphans. We also love to help women heal emotionally from the past because Jesus is about grace and forgiveness.”
Yes, we believe that abortion is the killing of a human being. It is sin. And it’s a tragedy that our country has a huge industry that turns a profit by preying on vulnerable women, killing millions of babies, and burdening women with untold mental and emotional anguish.
Of course, biblical and theological literacy has declined over time. Many who gather with a church may be unfamiliar with the issue from a biblical standpoint. I encourage you to read this article and watch this sermon.
While we realize that not everyone who gathers with CLC would agree with our position, our church family rejoices that Roe v. Wade was overturned. At the same time, because the issue is so contentious, we believe this will lead to a lot of cultural upheavals. And there are several important things to remember:
Our witness for Christ is carried in our tone, not just our content. While the culture around us takes the gloves off, let us be kind, calm, and charitable. Let us remember that everyone that disagrees with us is not an enemy but a human being whom we wish to reach with the gospel.
We must strive to be FOR-woman, FOR-helping, FOR-compassion… not just anti-abortion. So, as followers of Christ, let’s continue to lean into being foster parents and supporting foster parents. Let’s adopt and help those who adopt. Let’s continue to support ministries like Akron Pregnancy Services, which doesn’t just say, “You can’t abort,” but leads with, “Let us walk with you.”
This is about real women in our midst. You see, for many Christians, this is simply an abstract issue that applies to “those women out there.” But, for many women, it’s very personal and emotional because they have walked that road. Keep that in mind as you interact about this issue. Sometimes your opinion will be heard by a woman who has had an abortion and feels horrible about it. You’ll say, “I never knew!” Of course, you didn’t. And, yes, we know of some women who have had abortions. And we love them. More importantly, Jesus loves them. Let him who is without sin throw the first stone. Yes, we’ll still call it sin. But know that those women are devastated, trying to heal, trying to believe God loves them and forgives them. Let’s love them well.
Our ultimate hope is in Jesus, not politicians nor justices. And our ultimate message is the gospel, not legislation. Let us focus on Loving God, Loving People, and Making Disciples well during this season of history that He’s given to us. We are here for such a time as this.
Be Encouraged,
Pastor Gordon Hayberg
Lead Pastor