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Ticonderoga Pencils
Colored Pens
Crayola Colored Pencils Crayola Washable Markers
Crayola Crayons
Black Expo Markers Colored Expo Markers
Black Sharpie Markers Colored Sharpie Markers
Elmer's Glue Sticks Highlighters (any color)
Scissors (Fiskars preferred)
Wide-Ruled Paper (notebook filler paper) Pencil Sharpeners (must hold shavings)
Pencil Top Erasers Backpacks
Soft-Sided Lunch Bags/Boxes Clorox/Lysol Wipes
Paper Towels
Kleenex/Facial Tissue
Ziplock Bags w/Sliding Zipper Closure (gallon and quart)
Hand Sanitizer (Unscented)
WEEK ONE (12/4)
Discuss: While we wait for God to answer our prayers, why is serving others, like Zechariah did, a good use of our time?
Are you serving others? If so, how are you serving others?
WEEK TWO (12/11)
Discuss: Why do you think some people don't see the message of Jesus as "good news?"
What could Jesus' followers do to help change that?
WEEK THREE (12/18)
Discuss: Do you think being honest about our doubts and questions is more likely to help or hurt people who are curious about Jesus? Why?
Each week, we will have guided discussion tools to equip LIFEgroup leaders to facilitate their groups. This is a great resource to dig deeper during the week on the message from our Sunday worship gatherings.
Download this weeks guide!
Download last weeks guide!
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